Recent content by dav0923

  1. dav0923

    Gsc fastbuds forming seeds?

    FYI 2nd photo is what was within the calyx in 1st
  2. dav0923

    Gsc fastbuds forming seeds?

    Cool ill just ride it out i just didnt want it to pollinate my other plants. Thanks heaps!
  3. dav0923

    Gsc fastbuds forming seeds?

    Photos of "seeds"
  4. dav0923

    Gsc fastbuds forming seeds?

    More photos
  5. dav0923

    Gsc fastbuds forming seeds?

    Hey guys, first groe here, im growing fastbuds girlscout cookies, im 3 weeks into flower and ive noticed some seeds forming in a bud i accidentally snapped off, little, green mini seeds, but cant seem to notice any issues with hermies. Here are some photos of my buds