Recent content by Debbiedamndeal

  1. Debbiedamndeal

    Purple stems on GG4

    Thanks. And your welcome.
  2. Debbiedamndeal

    Purple stems on GG4

    Yes it comes from phosphorus deficiency. I bought some and started adding it in and one is still as purple as ever. And the other seems to be a bit better. And all my other plants are the bright green healthy. ( knock on wood)
  3. Debbiedamndeal

    Purple stems on GG4

    Same here. I over reacted because of the person that created the seeds im growing was actually telling people that the stems should not be purple. I thought hey hold on!! The only ones I have that are purple came from you! So that’s when I started my search. Im glad this helps you. It sure...
  4. Debbiedamndeal

    Purple stems on GG4

    I’ve been doing lots of research on this subject. purple stems are usually a phosphorus defen. But with all the reading and research I have learned, if the plants genetics are a colour leaning purple, and the plant is in every other way healthy, not to worry. so I no longer worry about the purple.