and surprisingly enough when I transplanted that plant the roots were not even much farther than the rockwool so I'm lost as shit as to how it could be a container issue :/
word I just transplanted the one in the pot into that size so I guess I'll wait and see what happens but what about the one in the solo cup? That's the one I'm most worried about right now
well, there are two different plants mind you so I'm not sure which one you are referring to? But I did just put the one in the gallon into that pot and afterwards it will go into a 3 gallon but for now it's in that one. I highly doubt it's a pot problem lol no pun intended
Hello gentlemen,
So I picked up a few clones a couple weeks back that were two weeks old as of 12/16. Two have been doing fine and any problems that have arisen I've been able to adequately handle but for some reason these two I cannot put my finger on it. I've tried a few different things...