Recent content by Devil's cabbage

  1. D

    Nukeheads bad business practices

    This is odd. I never wrote this. I have never bought seeds from nukehead or anyone else for that matter. I don't post a lot on here. Rarely ever comment. But I definitely didn't post that! Can someone hack my account here and post as me?
  2. D


    Thanks, and yeah, he learned to hit ignore as it seems like there's a lot of people here who get away with unsavory communication more than others.
  3. D

    Bestva 2000w amazon light.

    It really doesn't matter, stay away from the blurple lights, spend a little more now and get a great light. Hlg quantum board, or something like that, but stay away from the blurple lights. I have 5 of them. I don't use, I wouldn't sell them cause I try to keep my karma clear. So I spent around...
  4. D

    Bestva 2000w amazon light.

    How many of them did he say he had in that space?
  5. D

    Really lazy-ass extraction?

    Yeah, I built a press recently, so no more flat irons for me. But I couldn't tell you how much I PU through the straightener before I did.
  6. D

    Flo Grow's Retirement Bean List (No single seeds, all are multiple packs of 5 or more each)

    Man I wish I had your problem! Can't get Bean's where I live. Shit will be legal in every other state and still not here. Guaranteed. Super small town and everyone knows everyone, so I don't order anything from banks out of fear.
  7. D


    Hey man, I know this is an old post but do you know if someone is banned and they come in as a new member months later, and they keep their mean words to themselves even though they are being trolled, will the new account be banned to if riu finds out? Just, you know, asking for a friend.
  8. D

    Diy rosin press?

    I only press once, but I use my pucks for cooking oil, I put them in a mason jar and when it's full I make the oil. I have to make a regular batch of cupcakes for my grandson. But they come out potent as hell.
  9. D

    Which Extraction Method Tastes Better?

    I have a slug 33, but I don't use it much, I can't seem to be able to get the temp right, how do you know when to stop heating it? Also it blows out the bottom as I'm finishing, got any advice?
  10. D

    Really lazy-ass extraction?

    Just use an old hair straightener, you can get one from a thrift store for cheap, I paid a dollar for the one I had, some parchment paper and your set.
  11. D

    Best LSD experience?

    I have driven on it, going south on Danville hey, about 25 miles out of Chicago, it was pretty late and I drove a 86 chevette with no windshield wipers, but I used rain x on it. Of course it starts raining, not really hard, but not a sprinkle either. I stopped paying attention to the road, it...
  12. D

    How long should lsd last me?

    Send it to me, so I can do an in depth research on the issue and I promise you I will have an answer for you.
  13. D

    Best LSD experience?

    1981, 7 hits of 4way all at once. It was about 5 pm when I dropped it. I was living in Dallas Texas at the time, don't remember the exact time of year, but it was warm, not really hot. It was a great trip until around 3:30 am. I was inside by myself watching the rerun of the news that was on...
  14. D

    Can you keep a plant in veg stage outside?

    I didn't call you a fool I merely pointed out that you are acting like one. No need to comment, I'm done.
  15. D

    Can you keep a plant in veg stage outside?

    A bit snarky today are we? If you know something that you want to share, we are all here to learn, but having a juvenile attitude is what makes people look at you like a fool, if you're not, maybe try not acting like one.