Exactly! That's what I keep telling everyone! Sucks now, but we'll be thankful come Spring & Summer.
We didn't get a winter last year and it showed by way of garden pests and bugs.
But they have the meats! I’m guessing all of them, they never specified.
Truthfully I don’t know of any Arby’s still around here in Toronto. But I will go on record that their curly fries are fuckin’ legit
I apologize on behalf of Canadians causing undue Tom-Fuckery down there.
In answer to your note above, I’ll leave this old gem here:
Q: Whats the difference between a Range Rover & a Porcupine?
A: On a Porcupine, the pricks are on the outside
Mornin’ fellow Canna-enthusiasts!
Like many of you, we’re experiencing an arctic plunge. Guess I’ve gotta layer up and get Boomer for a walk. Happy January 54th :neutral:
That sounds like a wonderful day out @Jeffislovinlife - hope you three have a blast!
Tradition for the boys and I to hit up the Canadian International Autoshow in February.
Grab some pics! Be excellent to each other.