Recent content by dontgotochina

  1. dontgotochina

    Light interrupted Help

    Thankyou for replying
  2. dontgotochina

    Light interrupted Help

    Brilliant.. Thank you
  3. dontgotochina

    Light interrupted Help

    My babies are end of week 1 flowering .. I've had them on a 14hour light on cycle. This morning I went in to turn them on and horrified to discover one of the lights hadnt switched off.or had rebooted.. I've turned them off, but am conflicted as to how long I keep lights off for. Some say 12...
  4. dontgotochina

    Help me choose a 4x4flowertent light

    Airwalker can you helo me. Im into the 2nd week of flowering and a 14 hour light on cycle. Ive just gone down to turn them ON and one light 600 wt hadnt switched off so effectively they've had light for 24hrs. I turned light off and now they're in complete darkness. They're from seed and have...