Recent content by driel

  1. driel


    He must've retired the business because I can't find the website anymore. I was gifted a 20 pack of regular "b" seeds which I popped got all kinds different genetics. I had a couple plants that I kept for years because they were just that good.
  2. driel

    Win Paradise Seeds 'Chongs Choice' Auto Kong 4

    Grew a pack outdoors this summer and got both the phenos. The stockier plant at around 2 feet with bigger bud and the 4 foot stretched version. Very nice bud
  3. driel

    Deficiency or burn?

    It's not raw manure, it's pelleted and expands on moisture and sprinkled in sparingly since my other plants have reacted well to adding less than a handful to the top part of the soil in a 5 gallon container. Not getting nitrogen toxicity in this case.
  4. driel

    Pruning/trimming scissors

    I have a pair of the Chikamasa B-500SLF scissors and was wondering if I can sharpen these? I tried finding some info about them online but the Japanese company doesn't have much in terms of documentation and I am starting to get to the point where the leaves I am cutting are simply clamping down...
  5. driel

    Deficiency or burn?

    This is outdoors, no lamps.
  6. driel

    Is this plant revegging?

    It did reveg, so much for "autos" that don't auto. I had to trigger and finish it under 12/12 lighting and the plant had all kinds of issues with nutrient absorption. Lucky the thing finished at all. The bud was nothing special in terms of looks but it actually smokes nicely and gives a relaxing...
  7. driel

    Deficiency or burn?

    Growing some peak seeds variety that I cut a clone and grew out in an organic mix with some chicken manure & earthworm casting amendments. The top of the plant has been showing signs of what seems like calcium deficiency and possibly magnesium deficiency lower on the plant. I've given the plant...
  8. driel

    Is this plant revegging?

    Got a better colored shot
  9. driel

    Is this plant revegging?

    I was running this blue mammoth auto that wouldn't trigger under regular light but then I put it into flower lighting for a couple weeks, had to move it to clear some room and put it back under a different light but longer hours (16 instead of 12). Now, Ive grown other autos where Ive had to...
  10. driel

    Marijuana Stocks Are Falling Because the Industry Has Too Many Hurdles?? more like yer a bunch of fools

    There are definite hurdles but these well capitalized LPs had the means to deal with them whereas the smaller operators don't because the expenses are tremendous. So it's really ot our problem that they can't get quality in those giant greenhouses. Irradiation and bogus drying/curing practices...
  11. driel

    Ganja growers want answers

    When do we get the equivalent in Canada? Bringing equitable licensing into the fray rather than this shut out we're seeing. I don't have a million $ for a facility before HC will even consider an application and the RCMP shake down. Provincially in AB, there's no more agri subsidy for an indoor...
  12. driel

    this made me laugh .. Depak Annad expert? take on OUR INDUSTRY not so much lol

    He's a goof and NORML are :dunce: for keeping him as a VP. I've met some of these legal actors in person and it makes me disappointed how many shysters are operating in the industry.
  13. driel

    Aurora Cannabis stock slides on report of plans to cut 10% of workforce

    Glad I got in when it was a $1 and got out of cannabis stocks completely by legalization. Seen enough bubbles in my life. I do feel bad for the people as one of my friends was laid off. Hopefully they can find jobs with all those micros being licensed :roll:
  14. driel


    Interesting info being shared in here. I still have so much of the v1 nutes that I bought about 2 years ago that I end up giving some of it away with clones to new growers locally. Though I think it's deficient in something because if I go straight mega the whole wat then Mg & sometimes Ca...
  15. driel

    Aurora stock heading to $0?

    Their facility is pretty impressive so if anything whoever takes it over one day will save on build out at least.