Recent content by DST

  1. DST

    Club 600

    Hey folks, nice to see people still keeping the 6 going. Last couple of days of vacation. My wife and I have found a new love, scuba diving. 2nd time here in Malta, well actually Gozo (or Ghawdex as it is locally called, pronounced Owdesh, Maltese language is a trip, its like Arabic). Still...
  2. DST

    Club 600 Breeding Showcase

    aye, still running the 315 cmh's. Although with energy prices and gas for heating being obscene, LEDs seem like a good move. My monthly bill went from 270 euro to 520 euro per month, wtf!!! Thanks Vlad ffs.
  3. DST

    Garden under the sea

    yes, go get that contract money! you'll never look back.
  4. DST

    Garden under the sea

    looking good in there Ambs. I hope you catch a break soon with your job....constant on call ffs, what a pain in the hoop!
  5. DST

    Garden under the sea

    cheers Ambs, its been quiet here with only a few plants, but gonna err on the side of caution until after the summer me thinks. How's your new home and grow doing?
  6. DST

    Club 600

    Congratulations. I always remember at school learning to read and having a tobacco tin with small cards with words on them. Policeman, Postbox,......High Street :) Hogestraat in Dutch lol. Hope everyone enjoyed 420! Peace, DST
  7. DST

    Garden under the sea

    Thanks bru, I hope you had a nice day. I was busy working ffs....then trimming lol. So at least I was involved in a 420 related activity. I have been dealing with a friend since last June who is going through a divorce and is quite frankly going through some sort of mental melt down. My wife...
  8. DST

    Garden under the sea

    Hahaha, its happened for sure, although my expression would be slightly less screamy and more growly:)
  9. DST

    Garden under the sea

    I think they are say, "Oi cunt, this ain't al dente!!!" haha.
  10. DST

    Garden under the sea

    I have in the past only to find some dried up god only knows what 3 years later lol. I feel you on the freezer thing. We bought a good 2nd hand combi fridge freezer for our first apartment, does what it says on the tin, still running 18 years later and keeps my beer cold and my trim frozen oooh...
  11. DST

    The UK Growers Thread!

    A friend of mine sent me these OGKZ lychee seeds. Bizarre flavour, really see why he called it lychee....if lychee flavour was transferred into smoke this is how I would imagine it. Bit of a sulky bitch at times but reasonably easy to grow. slainte mhath DST
  12. DST

    Garden under the sea

    Few pics from the stank room. GG4 looking happy in vertical configuration. Heli shot of the vertical cab flying into flower. What do you guys do if by chance you make too much pasta? frittata pasta is the bomb! First up is a Kosher Dog. OGKZ lychee GG4 Blue Sherbert And the baws of...
  13. DST

    Garden under the sea

    On Instagram there is a lot of little Lego creations. Here's one we bastardised with some added Orange. Think I'll make him in the full BB colours. This little guy is from the BD series of droids. And here's a screenshot of one the Kosher Dogs. (kk x the dog x dirtnap) slainte mhath DST
  14. DST

    Garden under the sea

    yup, we all got a dose of the dreaded lurgy lol....our youngest has now not been to school in over 2 weeks ffs. He was the last to get a positive test. My fave strains are not very trendy anymore and in Cali you probably don't get.much that doesn't have some sort of tropical fruit name attached...
  15. DST

    ***DAT's Art Cave***

    Aw, Pickel, thats nice you get to stop there. I remember the pics:) Did you know we actually call one of our boys Pickle:) We had a magician come to the house and he had a white dove, he had had it for like 20 years I think, was quite patchy, but a very chilled out bird. I was amazed it was so...