Recent content by Earl

  1. Earl

    Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

    So far the best way for me to keep from getting spidermites is to relaese some green lace wing eggs about three times during the grow.
  2. Earl

    4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

    If you can't find a chiller you can afford, you can use a window a/c unit and duct it into your rez. you will need a thermostat to control the temp.
  3. Earl

    Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

    I finally solved my spider mite problem with green lacewings from gardens alive
  4. Earl

    Welcome New Members!

    Did you lose my number ?
  5. Earl

    Hey man I haven't been able to get in touch with you over the phone. give me a call if your not...

    Hey man I haven't been able to get in touch with you over the phone. give me a call if your not in jail.
  6. Earl

    Your cabbage looks good.

    Your cabbage looks good.
  7. Earl

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    Yessir, Now thats a real Texas sized cab grow.
  8. Earl

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    Blueberry sounds good.
  9. Earl

    How to solve aeration sprayer leaking lines?

    Would you be able to post some pictures of your machine?
  10. Earl

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    I'm just a lonesome country hick and I don't know my way around any of those brands. You lucky guys living with all that choice. I like stinky weed... grow that one. You'll grow some great shit, I'm sure. .
  11. Earl

    Don't let the fatman get you down

    Don't let the fatman get you down
  12. Earl

    If you are broke like me and want to grow the cheapest fastest method try Hempy Buckets check...

    If you are broke like me and want to grow the cheapest fastest method try Hempy Buckets check out my HB grows in my signature I love aero but HBs are easy, fast, and cheap.
  13. Earl

    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    I'm sorry to offend anyone by asking for photos. I'm not interested in copying anyones design. I would just like to see some root porn, nothing that might compromise you to the man or give away your wonderful ideas. I just would like to see what all the fuss is about. .
  14. Earl

    Nice looking colas Is there any way to get some root porn ...

    Nice looking colas Is there any way to get some root porn ?
  15. Earl

    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Let's see some pictures please.