
I smoke ganja as someone with strong inclinations for esoteric thought. I am enchanted when ganja smoke stimulates and distorts my thoughts; it's this profound feeling of permitting an external influence to the mind and benefiting from that in a special way. The mood can often be euphoric, energetic, comical, philosophical, weird, sedative and otherwise; as a Ganja smoker I choose to bring these conditions into my life and encourage others to do the same. My idea of Cannabis Freedom has roots in the idea that we really are free and have full control over our minds, our bodies and ultimately our spirituality. It is for these reasons that I am more than willing to risk my so-called "freedom" cultivating this wonder of nature. To do otherwise would be to let the bad guys win. Can't have that! XD

Hail Cannabis!

Holy Grail 69
Cotton Candy
Critical Kali Mist
Vanilla Kush
Towers of Flowers - A Transcendentalist Organizati




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