Recent content by Ellement

  1. Ellement

    First try monster cropping I won’t clone any other way anymore

    Very nice! I agree 100% if the strain allows it to happen. This was a clipping from indoor flowers I had back in January.
  2. Ellement

    Lab testing in Ontario ?Where?

    Good info and definitely true to an extent though that is not what was asked. He wants to know where to test for THC content, not the role it plays in getting you high. The amount of THC is also beneficial when making edibles to know what your dose may be rather then trying to gauge it by eating...
  3. Ellement

    Lab testing in Ontario ?Where?

    I am looking into the same thing as well. I haven't decided on one in particular though I did stumble upon this government listing of companies. Warning the list is huge lol! If you do decide on one before I do could...
  4. Ellement

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hello everybody, I admit I have used your site for quite a bit of useful information. I decided I should join and share. I am hoping to be able to help others and share in what has been a passion and pleasure for me. I also decided to share a great CCTV clip of 'how not to stake a plant' the...