Recent content by EnvyGenetics

  1. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    At @treesyndicate1.0 on ig
  2. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    WhiteRuntz x BlowPopsBX1 aka WhiteLickz
  3. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Appreciate your support huge
  4. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Great job man
  5. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Strong 9 weekers
  6. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Oh yeah!!!! Great job!! Please tag us on ig if you have one!
  7. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    You are right a strong 9 weeks
  8. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    New BlowPops bx1 drop with 4 other BlowPops bx1 crosses this Friday limited runs. Pics on our @envygen562 Instagram page! Appreciate the support!
  9. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Absolutely the p562 the others are freebie testers
  10. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Excited to see what you find!!
  11. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Ayeeeee keep me posted brother
  12. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Thanks soooo much for your support
  13. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics

    Thanks for the support
  14. EnvyGenetics

    Envy Genetics
