Recent content by Extaci

  1. E

    Cob led diy -help a noob

    Yeah external potenciometer os the best option. About the 4x4, 300w to 400w would not give me the watt per sqmt that is recommended to flower. So to that kind of Power a 90x90 os the ideal, but as o would try to fit 6 plants i Will probably Go with the 100x100cm. About the Power, the Max i am...
  2. E

    Cob led diy -help a noob

    Dont know yet, what do you think is the most effective way? Passive cooling? Maybe fans? I dont mind the noise cause It Will be in a different house from where i leave. I dont have a limited budget per say, but off course i want to spend as less as possible. Do you think that the diference...
  3. E

    Cob led diy -help a noob

    I'm not set yet, just thought that for 20 euros a chip, its not a expensive one for what It delivers. I was thinking of 3 lines of 2 cobs each. Or what do you think its best? Its 6 cob the best way to go on a 100x100 or what do you think? What would you do If It was you build a light for that...
  4. E

    Cob led diy -help a noob

    Hi guys, So, i am a Noob to cob led diy, and i am trying to build one. First i was looking to a 120x120cm grow tent, but then realized that i would need atleast 550w of light to have a good coverage. As the light here is a bit expensive, i Will go with a 90x90cm or a 100x100cm. And thats where...
  5. E

    Takeshy Organic/DWC LED Grow

    Waiting to see your rdwc with your Quantum board setup. You are a inspiration. Great job
  6. E

    Takeshy Organic/DWC LED Grow

    Well thats the only way i can get my hands on, so i will see what i can do. Thank you so much for your time and keep showing your amazing job.
  7. E

    Takeshy Organic/DWC LED Grow

    Do they send to Europe (Portugal)? If so, do you know the expedition costs? Thanks
  8. E

    Takeshy Organic/DWC LED Grow

    Hi, Amazing job Takeshi. Btw, does somebody know where to buy does led boards in Europe? I can only find the hlg 550 or similiars, i want to build my own.