Recent content by f.r

  1. F

    Maixibloom Discontinued?

    wait till you look at the differences between ppm in solution and ummol/L concentration of the ions
  2. F

    Are there any scientific consensus as to what the actual ideal NPK ratios are for cannabis?

    In the end cannabis will grow well with a various mixes. Genetics will perform better with certain nutrient ratios, but in the end they all will perform well enough with a multitude of NPK ratios. The only hard and fast rule imo is to not over do ammonical nitrogen
  3. F

    Vitality Plus Plant Conditioner

    Could not find any active constituents in the labeling. Why you will find it sold as a plant conditioner, Australia has very strict labeling laws in regards to pesticides/fungicides. Go ask any of the sellers of these plant conditioners sold to kill insects coming from the USA, ask if they...
  4. F

    Athena Fade Ingredients? Anyone got a bottle?

    Calcium chloride is used as it's one of the soluble forms of calcium without nitrogen that can be used in hydroponics. I personally feel like causing ' fade' from that much chloride is most likely from antagonism in the root zone causing extreme lockouts.
  5. F

    Newb trying with coco+automatic drip irrigation. Advice needed

    You are not going to be girdling your cannabis plants, That is an issue with trees, same with J rooting that rears it's ugly head multiple years after being transplanted into the environment from nursery stock. You will get a finer root mass (more feeder roots) with air pruning pots can be a...
  6. F

    Make gallons of ClearRez/UC Roots/Athena Cleanse for $1.25

    The germ-killing properties of bleach are derived from the presence of hypochlorous acid. However, because of its high pH, the majority of the hypochlorous acid present in bleach ends up getting converted to hypochlorite, which is a less effective disinfectant...
  7. F

    Drip hydro nutrient vs Athena vs Jack Afaik it's mostly an issue with chelated micronutes as the chelator is carbon based.
  8. F

    Power SI / Feed Methods

    First, we have basic potassium silicates, which are solids or solutions derived from the reactions of silica with potassium hydroxide. In this category you have popular products like AgSil 16H and liquid concentrates like Growtek Pro-Silicate. These products have a very basic pH. Second, we...
  9. F

    Bioavailable potassium silicate "In the end, at the pH where plants are fed, acid stabilized Si and potassium silicate sources generate the exact same monosilicic acid. Plant availability is not an advantage of using this sort...
  10. F

    Why some still Don't grow Organically?

    So we can agree the important aspect is meeting the plants nutritional requirements while not overdoing it whichever method you take on?
  11. F

    Why some still Don't grow Organically?

    Right I assumed needed micros were included because why wouldnt they be. THe other non essential elements are helpful but at what amounts? at which point would they become detrimental to Cannabis that is a accumulator of heavy metals? My water has chlorine for example, there is also mono silicic...
  12. F

    Why some still Don't grow Organically?

    I'm not sure how enviormental factors have anything to do with synthetic vs organic so i'm confused as well. " Plants uptake more than NPK from the inputs that we feed them." Would love to know what these are.
  13. F

    Why some still Don't grow Organically?

    Are you assuming these vineyards whether organic or synthetic aren't testing there soils and adding fertillizers according to what there soil holds and needs rather that broadcasting a general all purpose fertillizer ala shotgun approach? I'm just confused as to what you think the plants are...
  14. F

    Why some still Don't grow Organically?

    Feeding citrates, fulvates, ethanoates(acetates) aminos can be done alongside a synthetic based feed.