Recent content by f03m

  1. F

    Athena IPM and Citric Acid didn't get rid of PM

    Hi, it is late to solve your problem, but PM is easy and cheap to control. You need a mix of oil+emulsifier, I don`t know if you can buy that where you are, but there is that or the chemical solution which I reccomend once you are on this stage. Vegetable oil, or mineral refined oil works well...
  2. F

    Looks like a CalMag issue . . .

    Hi, when you have some defficiency you should`t add anything until you identify the real problem. CaMg problems aren`t usually that, but some pH changes, linked to bad fertirrigation. People have a problem and immediately jump to the conclusion it must be CaMg... I don`t understand this. My...
  3. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Supernatural, nice one.
  4. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Who did you vote for?
  5. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    You can see how the narrative is build, you are not allowed to disagree even a little bit because you will be attacked. And I am the fascist... Ok.
  6. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    That is hat I was saying and you didn`t prove me wrong, even if anyone disagree just a little bit with the narrative you try to impose they are not on your side anymore... You are the fascist here.
  7. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    I left a lot of videos two pages ago. If you don`t believe on his own words, I don`t know what to say, you are a racist like him.
  8. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    So you support a racist pedophile. Good to know. After that you can not teach anyone about morals.
  9. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Hahaha, you post Trump photos as I like him, but does that make Biden not a pedo racist? Hmmm... Your lack of morals are astonishing.
  10. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    But I don`t like Trump, you assume I like him. You are with Biden, man, that is like... Well, a racist pedophile. That is your morals...
  11. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Well, english is not my native language and it seems you understand very well what I mean so... Who did you vote for? Tell me. The bad orange guy or the racist pedophile? Tell me, don`t be scared.
  12. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    You mean Bill Clinton? Another democrat. So... Who did you vote for?
  13. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Tell the truth: who did you vote for?
  14. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Ooooh, poor boy, he can`t even define his own political ideologies, defends pedophiles, racists white old man but I am the troll. Poor boy.
  15. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Neh, you can`t stop supporting pedophiles, racists politicians. You have a problem, a real one.