Harvest Day! I loaded up the cooler and will be stepping down the humidity from 75% each day by 1%.
What should I do with the wet trim? Just throw it in the cooler?
What's a normal humidity level for the fridge when it's empty? I'm thinking mine might be in the 70s range because the water pools a little and doesn't fully drain...
@gooshpoo I just got my larger cooler. Can you send a pic of where you drilled the hole for this model? Anything I should keep in mind???? Much appreciated.
So my harvest is a few weeks out and I wanted to put the Kooler through some testing to make sure it's ready.
Then I noticed it had been cycling already, empty, rising to about 75%rh then dehumidifier would kick in and bring it down to about 70 before rising again.
I figured this was not...
Could this work as a larger model @gooshpoo? Are you using just the one dehumidifier still? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0D6G8N3KV/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_1?smid=A396Z932NG7PGL&psc=1
Oh sorry! I might be confused. I noticed on the first page of this forum you mentioned "set for 62% rh to trigger the dehumidifier, 9% drop until it turns off". That's where I'm running into trouble. I have it set for 62, but turns off right when it gets under 62. I'm not sure how to set the...
Hey I'm hoping someone can help me here. I've got the inkbird set to trigger at 62%, but can't figure out how to have it keep running until it gets to 53%. It always just stops running when it gets below 62%. Do I need a different controller?