30 quart cloth ProPot - haven’t really had to water, they are outside and has been raining most of the time. Watered once last week with a quart of H2O with Mosquito Dunk for each plant, just to get stuff in the soil! Too, wet for yellow sticky cards & don’t have room in my grow room to wait out...
Never had it happen before, they are usually shocked for a couple of weeks, but always come out fast & furious! My other 4 look good & started kicking in about 4 days ago. My concern is the leaves are starting to cup & fold under at tip? Going to start hitting them with Advanced Nuit’s Sensi...
Yes it happened after transplant, but doesn’t look like roots have made it to the Sub-Cool yet, since it’s only bottom 3rd of bag. And original 1 qt pot soil is just regular organic soil. But is only plant out of 5 to have this! All have the damn Phats.. little bastards! LOL - tried to hold off...
Please Help - Have a problem with my Orange Sherbert Auto - Sub-Cool soil Homemade, 30 qt ProPot - transplanted 2 weeks ago - roots are white and have a ton of damn Fungus Knats & been using Neem & Insecticidal Soap spray with Mosquito Dunks 1/4 in gallon of water every other watering! Don’t...
White - but I have a ton of Frigging Fungus Knats and have been using Neem & Insecticide Soap along with Mosquito Dunks! Just transplanted about 2 weeks ago / pot with regular potting soil into Sub-Cool soil in a Propot 30qt
To small of pot! I use 3-5 gal. Cloth bags - here is a pic of a Green Crack Auto that I started on 2/28/22 & it will be done within a week! Used Sub-Cool soil that I made & week 4 on used Advance Nutrients Big Bud, Bud Candy & PH Perfect (my H2O is 7.8ph) & it brings it down to 6.4.