Recent content by founta13

  1. founta13

    Help please, new grower

    Its an automatic
  2. founta13

    Help please, new grower

    Hello guys I am on the 8th week of this super lemon haze auto, and im wondering if ita ready and i should start flushing, or should i wait a week more? Thanks peace
  3. founta13

    Need some advice, new grower

    Hey guys, how many days you belive i need to flush my super lemon haze autoflower?? Do you think it's good to donrt water it at all for 2 days? Thanks
  4. founta13

    Help , new grower

    How does it look guys Third week flowering Sir Jack Auto Autdoor
  5. founta13

    Help?? New grower

    Hey guys how does it look? New grower second week flowering auto
  6. founta13

    How does it look to you?

    Sir Jack Auto 3rd weem flowering Outdoor Does it look good?
  7. founta13

    Can someone help me please

    Thx mate
  8. founta13

    Any comments on this lemon auto?

    Just that for now, ill update tomorrow
  9. founta13

    Any comments on this lemon auto?

    Second week flowering Is it ok?
  10. founta13

    How do they look??

  11. founta13

    How do they look??

    Hi guys, how this plant is looking? Second week of flowering
  12. founta13

    Can someone help me please

    Okay i will try, should i spray?
  13. founta13

    Noticed some small white worms i guess

    Can anyone help me? What should i do, im on yhe second week of flowering, autoflower outdoor in a pot
  14. founta13

    Can someone help me please

    Outdoor grow auto plant, second week of flowering, noticed on few leaves some really small holes, found some really small white worms i guess, what can i do?
  15. founta13


    Thanks bro, appreciate your help