Recent content by freefromthematrix

  1. F

    Day 27… is it time to introduce LST?

    Just wondering should I start LST?
  2. F

    Day 21 (too small? What’s going on?)

    Would adding more soil to the pots be helpful? I did order a new light and it’s on the way! I did see a couple of people mention how low/dense soil is… wondering if I could correct that
  3. F

    Day 21 (too small? What’s going on?)

    I’m at 20 inches now… lowered it maybe 2 days ago… was at 26-30 inches. Lifting higher and lowering just to see if there was any significant difference. They seem to light the light closer 20-24
  4. F

    Day 21 (too small? What’s going on?)

    Definitely motivating to see your progress! I’m looking forward to these slowly taking off more!
  5. F

    Day 21 (too small? What’s going on?)

    Are these autos?
  6. F

    Day 21 (too small? What’s going on?)

    I’ll up the water next time. Do you think I could away with another KINGLED light? Or should I go for something like a Mara hydro or spider farmer… 1000-1500? Thanks
  7. F

    Day 21 (too small? What’s going on?)

    I’ve been watering when they get dry-ish… which is around every 3 to 4 days… around in between 5-600ml depending on how dry they are.
  8. F

    Day 21 (too small? What’s going on?)

    Peace! Day 21 all autoflowers: RG= Royal Gorilla, NL= Northern Lights, FB= Fat Banana. 2gal pots These were planted in either FFHF, FFOF, or a 50/50 mix of both which is reflected on the sticks. Temp has been around 80F. And RH has been around 80-85%. Growing under a cheap KINGLED 1000w (100w)...
  9. F

    Any reason for concern?

    Peace! We are on day 13 today, and I’ve been in here gaining a lot of information and newbie knowledge! I truly appreciate all the feedback thus far… over the last few days or so I’ve noticed a little yellowing on the plants. I’ve got them planted in FFOF, FFHF, and a mix of the two. (Labeled on...
  10. F

    New kid on the block

    Thank you, and congrats on your sobriety! That journey can be a monster, as I am learning! However, I sincerely appreciate encouragement!
  11. F

    New kid on the block

    I get a good sense of that! Thank you!
  12. F

    New kid on the block

    Thank you! It’s appreciated
  13. F

    New kid on the block

    Thank you for the welcome!
  14. F

    Day 12 (Northern lights struggle?)

    I used a meter… my two comes out at 8, so I started to used PH down a few days ago. The meter came but the solution never did so I had to drive an hour away to buy again. I’d been seeing so many different things about watering the entire pot, just around the plant and it seemed that consensus...
  15. F

    Day 12 (Northern lights struggle?)

    1000w KING LED… so really a 100 or so. I had it around 24 inches above canopy.