Recent content by Gentlemencorpse

  1. Gentlemencorpse

    My personal vault up for grabs! Moved to Indiana and cant grow here.

    Appreciate the sale brother. For those on the fence here OP was solid all the way through. Grabbed his Supreme Grapes pack, he sent a freebie with it and shipped it promptly, safe and sound.
  2. Gentlemencorpse

    Useful Seeds

    Anyone know if the 91 Christmas Tree Bud x Chocolate Diesel is feminized? I assume so but it doesnt say on my pack. Gonna get some Useful gear going here soon.
  3. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Yeah, absolutely, thats how im using it. Theres still a learning curve for sure, ive found it a little harder to dial in than watering in nutrients, but it fits my grow style. I'm currently using ProMix HP+ with added perlite, Worm Castings and Gaia Green 4-4-4 then dressing with Gaia Green...
  4. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Personally, Id save your money and just ride the A&B to the end. It says its for the whole cycle so see how it goes. Then if you arent satisfied add a bloom booster next round. Ive done just fine with full cycle nutes like Veg+Bloom. A bloom booster can help but its not like you wont get bud...
  5. Gentlemencorpse

    White widow autoflower yellow with brn spots

    Id agree with Hotrod, looks like a calcium deficiency. The leaf curl is odd too, not sure if thats genetic or a sign that theres more going on. What nutes are you using and at what strength? Also you said soil but whats the specific product? How old are the plants? The more details you provide...
  6. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Huge improvement man! Trimming leaves is the subject of much debate and kind of a personal preference thing. I tend to trim off any large fan leaves that cover the bud sites to maximize light penetration and increase airflow, but leaves are also the plants food source so I dont like to go as...
  7. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Thats probably overkill. Just get a couple saucers/plant trays. Theyre cheap and totally adequate. You want some runoff but you dont need to see a crazy amount. I typically water just until I start seeing some runoff. The temp/humidity balance is always a bit of a trade off. It can be tough to...
  8. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Okay, ditch the foliar feed for now. They can definitely be useful but are 100% not necessary and if your fighting with humidty its not helping. It would be helpful for you to water them in place. By the time they are flowering especially. Get a watering can or pitcher. Yes, you can trim off...
  9. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Also, looking back at your first pic, your temps seem kinda low. Should be more like 28-29C under LEDs
  10. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Only look at new growth for signs of improvment. Old leaves dont heal. They may continue to discolor even while the new growth is healthy. Hows your humidity? If your seeing condensation on the leaves thats because your rH is too high, not because the plant is overwatered.
  11. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Doesnt look like light stress to me and based off the info provided they were definitely underfed. It will take a little bit to see the results of upping the nutrients to be patient and dont make too many changes at once. That makes it harder to dial in. Change one thing and wait a few days to...
  12. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Theres really no "best for autoflowers", its whatever method works for you. Ive done DWC, coco, super soil, soil with salts, ammended peat ... they all work. But they do all require slightly different methods of feeding and watering. Based off what youve said it definitely sounds like youve...
  13. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    I agree with this 100%. If you cant spring for a good meter like a Bluelabs or similar, your better off with drops or litmus strips. Its fine if your not dead on 5.8, you have some tolerance there.
  14. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    Its completely dependent on what nutrient line your using. Best bet is to follow the companies feeding instructions and adjust as needed, or fins a grow journal of someone using the same nutes in coco and copy them.
  15. Gentlemencorpse

    Should I repot my autoflowers into bigger pots?

    So I dont know what medium you used the first time but coco is very different than soil or peat. Its essentially hydroponics. You want to feed every day because the coco is inert and doesnt retain nutrients well. Fungus gnats tend to be less of an issue than with soil but can still breed in coco...