Recent content by Gift.weed.exe

  1. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    like p deficiency or something, Some leaves have kind of a blueish tint
  2. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    And I also think I have to change the ratio of micro veg and bloom, my ratio of bloom nutrient to veg and micro was way off I think?
  3. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    Just tested runoff ppm to be at 2400, maybe I watered too early and that's the additional nutes from last watering, but I will water them at 1300ppm from now on instead of 1500-1600
  4. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    The ec in the soil is lower than when watered.. The strain with yellow tips has the lowest ec
  5. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    I'm still trying to learn by weight lol, so I should completely saturate the medium even tough it's promix bx and not hp? I didn't had promix hp on hand
  6. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    So I should get a little runoff when I water is that what you said? because 2 liters definitely get almost completely absorbed(I tried it) And 2.5 liter get me half a liter of runoff.. BTW thanks for your help really appreciated!
  7. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    Help anyone :-(?
  8. Gift.weed.exe

    Yellowing tips in flower

    Hello all, I got thoses clones from my brother 3 weeks ago, and they were about 1/3 of the size they are now. My brother is notoriously an heavy feeder and he was always giving them about 1700ppm or more of ghe nutes WITHOUT any problem. I give them 1500ppm each watering. Since you guys always...
  9. Gift.weed.exe

    What is causing this? Spots on curled down and twisted leaves

    Haha, I lived in a small town before (1k pop) And the water was so nasty, It litterally left 1-2 millimeter of white residues on the bottom of the boiling pot everytime that I was trying to boil some water
  10. Gift.weed.exe

    F48 - Fade or Deficiency

    All I'm saying is don't go overboard with the acid and save yourself some down(or it could cause problems, particularly in soil). 6.6 is a low enough PH for me
  11. Gift.weed.exe

    F48 - Fade or Deficiency

    As of my experience, in soil, wich contain peat moss, the PH of the runoff is always lower than the PH of the water you give to the plants, And I can also say that the PH directly in the soil is lower after testing it myself with my bluelab soil pen
  12. Gift.weed.exe

    F48 - Fade or Deficiency

    Fox farm is pre buffered a 6.3 I think so that range seems fine. But being a promix grower, I would't go lower than 6.6 Maybe use a narrower range of PH like between 6.3 and 6.7 to prevent PH fluctuations?
  13. Gift.weed.exe

    F48 - Fade or Deficiency

    Don't forget that if you're growing in a peat moss medium it is naturally acidic, so if you lower your ph too much you will get an ultra low PH runoff from your soil. Save some PH down and try not to go any lower than 6.6 if you are growing in a peat moss medium. That's an advice that served me...
  14. Gift.weed.exe

    What is causing this? Spots on curled down and twisted leaves

    But before buying a RO system I would consider buying a ppm meter to see the real ppm of that water, even the cheapest one on amazon would do.. I'm curious about how hard your water really is
  15. Gift.weed.exe

    What is causing this? Spots on curled down and twisted leaves

    Where I live you can get a gallon of distilled water in any food market for a buck, only need to supplement cal mag since distilled water contain nothing, but you need a healty amount of cal mag in in your water lets say about 200ppm. Or buy a Reverse Osmosis system for 200 bucks