Recent content by GreatfulDeadDose

  1. G

    Shipping ALD-52 to the US from a europe vendor cool?

    I just did some research on 1plsd vs ald-52 and found that ALD-52 is more euphoric and a cleaner experience. There also seemed to be more of a humorous response in ALD. I wanted to place an order but was wondering if there would be any issues with the legal status of ALD…? I know this particular...
  2. G

    looking for LSD online

    i found someone who sells by email. only accepts bitcoins though. 65 for a 10 strip 175 for a sheet of quality ... whoop whoop
  3. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    what? dude i will fucking sell for you no fucking shit basket fuck
  4. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    lol, whaat do you mean^?
  5. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    the power of one .. Lol
  6. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    not to be so indecisive ive listened to everything everyone had to say and am still thinking about a jewelry robbery. it just needs to be simply brilliantly flawless with the lowest risk, being smart about every step. once i get the ring out of the shop i think I'm good. with two cars set in...
  7. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    lo Intresting, i like this idea and will dully consider it... you just upgraded my scenario. i love it. I have one other idea to make a quick chunk of change, check it out. from what I read so far this is pretty sketch.i didn't imagine it be so hard to flip the shit. and the drop cage or...
  8. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    this guy is a spider of a human being
  9. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    death doesn't scare me homie
  10. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    that's not an epic way to go out at all. how about you give me your address so we can talk about your plants. well work something out.
  11. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    how much money does a jewler make? like a mill a year? poor guy wont be able to buy a third porsch... man i am some piece of shit.
  12. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    the money will go into a hell of a euthanasia, one for the books. like i said I'm terminally ill with brain cancer. I'm 25
  13. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    ahh fuck me. i didn't know that.. this is why i posted. what i could do is have a friend posted outside? kind of look at him, ask him to get his opinion on two different rings. as if not noticing the teller telling me to not walk off with the rings make my way holding the rings out as if for...
  14. G

    logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

    ok so like around 14k for a nice ring... ill just ask to compare to especially nice rings