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  • so you use kellog patio plus i used it once but it seemed to fade quicker then i would have hoped
    it's true that i have only used it once...

    i don't really post any grows.. my state is not very cool about it, and im too sketchy to take the risk.

    maybe next year after our medical law passes.. we'll see
    my "technique" consisted of planting new clones in fresh pots of new soil and watching the ones in the kellog almost immediately show nute deficiency, and slower growth.. i could have fed the plants more to eliminate any deficit, but you shouldn't need to fertilize brand new dirt.
    not to mention the mushrooms and thrips..

    I'll never buy it again, and I'll continue to tell everyone who grows to stay away from it.

    glad it works for you though... keep growing the dank brother
    in actuality i did the side by side with roots and kellog...

    so if what you say is true, then ocean forest is garbage too.
    ive done side by side comparison with that garbage and my roots soil. plants are immediately starving in that kellog crap. it's not the same at all. do a side by side comparison with clones from the same mom. with ocean forest and roots you can go 2 or 3 weeks after transplant with no additional nutes. that's simply not the case with kellog.
    that kellog soil is absolute garbage. it is pretty much void of any usable nutrient for the plant, and it comes standard with a thrip infestation 80% of the time.

    total and complete shit.

    there is a reason it costs $4 at home depot, and a good bag of dirt like ocean forest, or roots from aurora costs around $16-$20
    Whats up Grizzdude? Thanks for letting me use your pics. Havent put them up on my site yet but its getting close. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks.
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