Had to crop a wee early due to bud rot. Probably a week or two out. Tahoe OG PNW outdoor. I ended up yielding 125.8 grams. She was root logged for a couple of weeks and it was my first grow. I did not hit my goal of 6 ounces but I don't feel it was an utter failure. Until next outdoor season...
My Tahoe OG is about 2 weeks out. The temperature at night here is dropping into the high 40s and the daytime temp is high sixties to low seventies as a high. Is my growth going to be stunted outdoors? How important are the last two weeks? Can I bring my plant in and finish it indoor in...
I have four big stems coming off of the thick main stem on my Tahoe OG plant. Yesterday there was a worker power washing the gutters and side of my building so I moved her inside from my balcony to protect her. Unbeknownst to me at the time I split the main stem in half and broke a couple of...
I am growing on a South facing balcony. I have an awning above that protects from most of the rain but the high winds and sheer volume last night rocked the front of my plant. I shook them off and they got some late afternoon sun and spruced back up. Praying the rain is light the next few weeks...
What do you mean by resin? Will I still be able to make hash with my sugar leaves? Is my potency going to go down? The rain was insane for here last night.
My Tahoe OG is a few weeks out and it started dumping rain here yesterday. I checked on her this morning and the plant was so top heavy from rain/buds that all the stems are drooping and falling over. What should I do? We are forecasted to have rain the next few days. Can I move her inside...
Would this be normal sized for 2 and a half months of vegging then? I feed every few days and she's outdoor South East facing stops getting sun around 3:30 pm everyday. :leaf:
This is Tahoe OG. I've been vegging for 3 months although it was noticeably root bound for a couple of weeks. Moved it into an 18 gallon container a week ago. How much do you think I will yield?