Recent content by Herbal.Tendency

  1. Herbal.Tendency

    Share knowledge and experience to gain a better understanding.

    Share knowledge and experience to gain a better understanding.
  2. Herbal.Tendency

    Shout out to homebrewer

    Your a smart no bull shit grower and I respect that the most. I know you must have encyclopedia's of insight.
  3. Herbal.Tendency

    Shout out to homebrewer

    Would you still recommend DG over HG? my hydro store has the HG Aqua Flakes set of A(20 liters) and B(20 liters). I am trying to figure out if doing the DG grow and bloom 30/70 mix would be more cost effective than the HG Aqua Flakes. Any insight?
  4. Herbal.Tendency

    Shout out to homebrewer

    Hey Homebrewer, I also joined roll it up because of your postings. I think you have really broken the way I think about gardening. I used to buy into a lot of the hype and thought there was some expensive thing to buy that would grow me top shelf buds, but you have definitely unplugged me from...