Recent content by Heyoka Sanpedro

  1. H


    I seek à long on curring and certainly only terpene is good yes. In low cost it s not easy. :-) i made only three plants outdors this season.
  2. H


    OK Phabio, many thanks. I ll usé an old stuff of cooking. I dont need any machine if i understood. Dont burn thé butter is thé base of french cook :-) Merci encore, a+
  3. H

    Cross post - Magic Butter Machine and curing

    Hello, When there is a lot of "cristal" on the leaf it is nécessary to make a complet curring ? Only triclomes ? For exemple thé "lemon O.G." can have leaf i think but not thé "Black domina". I got purple and more L.O.G. to start. Salut
  4. H


    Hello, Fat is nécessary to fix thé thc. What is thé quantity to make a Milk shake ? Is there à thread of cooking ? I m here cause i saw à vidéo of à french guy of this forum on youtube. He seems to be à master. Salut