Recent content by Igrowmars

  1. Igrowmars

    Hello cannafam rdwc fool here

    At least I tell myself that after dropping the cash for my FC4800, let a brother dream a little lol
  2. Igrowmars

    New to the forum

    Anything closer that 18in will fry the plant
  3. Igrowmars

    Hello cannafam rdwc fool here

    Lights literally just turned on, they look sleepy still haha
  4. Igrowmars

    Hello cannafam rdwc fool here

    GPM (White Widow x Alaskan Thunder) crossed with Lemon Sour Diesel. By collective @kamikaze_seedbank Lab set up: RDWC system; Modified Hydrobuckets by @hydrobucket @icangrowbro I absolutely LOVE my buckets. Can't recommend this product enough! Get yours!! Never have to move your plants, you...
  5. Igrowmars

    New to the forum

    Definitely LEDs, unless you want to continue to pay old school electric bills lol
  6. Igrowmars

    New to the forum

    Well I’m a RDWC grower, is there a water bucket here in this forum were I can jump into and start flexing some photos?
  7. Igrowmars

    New to the forum

    Sweet thanks
  8. Igrowmars

    New to the forum

    Long time grower and supporter of the cannabis community. I go by @Igrowmars on IG and Twitter.