IndigenousAlien Sep 16, 2020 I've been pondering something most perplexing, Do oysters have nipples and, if so, can they be milked? (No, I swear, I am not stoned... )
I've been pondering something most perplexing, Do oysters have nipples and, if so, can they be milked? (No, I swear, I am not stoned... )
IndigenousAlien Sep 15, 2020 "Have you every noticed the phallic qualities that inherit a pool que and the orgasmic manner in which the balls are propelled across the table?" Freak Brothers
"Have you every noticed the phallic qualities that inherit a pool que and the orgasmic manner in which the balls are propelled across the table?" Freak Brothers
IndigenousAlien Aug 30, 2020 Word of the day: REMEMBERANCE (defined: ehhh, uhmmm, what? Remember what?
IndigenousAlien Jun 26, 2020 Hash, it will make you high and it will make you low... Remember the forty grams in one bowl? PEACE
IndigenousAlien Jun 24, 2020 Have you gone out of your way to help someone today? There is still time...