Recent content by jake 1992@$

  1. jake 1992@$

    Is my fastbuds auto ready im thinking 2 or 3 weeks

    OK leafs ate still green I think won't have much trouble going to flush for 2 weeks
  2. jake 1992@$

    Is my fastbuds auto ready im thinking 2 or 3 weeks

    There's still a few clear ones if u look closely what about these should I wait my original 2 weeks
  3. jake 1992@$

    Is my fastbuds auto ready im thinking 2 or 3 weeks

    Looking for 25 30 percent amber
  4. jake 1992@$

    Calmag and nitrogen def

    There greening up just after next day love this community!
  5. jake 1992@$

    Calmag and nitrogen def

    That's what it was gave them 5 table spoons of 552 mother earth organics
  6. jake 1992@$

    Calmag and nitrogen def

    ph water around 6.5 happyfrog soil with peatmoess I'd say 70happy/30peatmoss my Temps is 77 to 80 I haven't feed autos went into 5 gallon buckets roots coming out the bottom so my guess is hunger?
  7. jake 1992@$

    Calmag and nitrogen def

  8. jake 1992@$

    Is the trics ready for harvest

    Purple trics is one plant and rest is other plant just making sure that there ready
  9. jake 1992@$

    Is the trics ready for harvest

    All milky
  10. jake 1992@$

    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Are these trics ready all milky looking ?outdoor grow
  11. jake 1992@$

    How much longer do you guys think

    It's clear green house mylar
  12. jake 1992@$

    How much longer do you guys think

    Yeah and locked and got something for serious situations . but its pretty much my vision of a green house
  13. jake 1992@$

    How much longer do you guys think

    I know was just trying to get a good window cause worried about thefts
  14. jake 1992@$

    How much longer do you guys think

  15. jake 1992@$

    Trying to get a estimate on ppm for 12 foot plants outdoor

    Yeah definitely not going over 1000ppms all the way through flower