Recent content by James beam

  1. J

    Is changing res water in dwc really necessary?

    L Lol. Sorry man.. It wasn't an attack.. Didn't check the dates... I was browsing and it came up.. Lol... The guys probably drawing his pension now.. Lol.. Sorry
  2. J

    Is changing res water in dwc really necessary?

    Sorry to add mate.. But yes I do the same.. If think you have a problem just a half change is good.. If your topping up or feeding anyway take a little more out to make it 50 percent and refill with water and full feed if due.. Works fine.. Imo..
  3. J

    Is changing res water in dwc really necessary?

    Yea man. Sorry to hack your conversation but I totally agree with you.. I only change between cycles. always have.. But occasionally if I have a suspected problem when I have pushed the ppms up to see what the plants will take would I consider a half change and then full re feed.. I would...
  4. J


    Yea thats the gist of it for sure.. I have used it as a gel to clone in my own mix which works fantastic.. But unsure if its the marmite or other ingredients i use.. But i would say in wet envuroments yeast can attract mould.. So its an experinental thing im messing about with at with in...
  5. J

    48 hours of darkness before harvest

    Yea man.. That's about the size of it. Stressing your plant at the end does have some scientific proof. Loads of it actually.. Thc does rise. Because the plant thinks its dying and pushes all last efforts into the buds...its not a myth as some are suggesting.. But stripping leaves in flower does...
  6. J

    Does Light REALLY hurt your plants roots?

    I've had similar results. I grow on total open water so I can see all my roots all the time so can my lights..but i have used clear tubs before as experiments on a closed system and it was rammed with algae in a month.. And as we know that will destroy your roots.. I would assume the plant is ok...
  7. J

    I think I cured root rot.

    Sorry mistake on there its pH up.. Alkaline
  8. J

    I think I cured root rot.

    Yea I've had similar things happen and yea people should not be afraid of washing or dipping even a plant.. You've not been lucky you've done the right thin completely... I would even say.. You can just cut off all bad roots.. If the plant is esblished it will soon grow more root.. As long as it...
  9. J

    Does Light REALLY hurt your plants roots?

    Hydrogen peroxide is little used.. But the best thing you can have in your nutrient box..
  10. J

    Does Light REALLY hurt your plants roots?

    I'm not I misunderstood what you said there? . Air is a must for roots.!.. I've run open water systems for years never had any problem.. If you don't oxygenate your water when light is present.. Thats when you get problems.. Still water increases pH.. Allows heat and causes algae formation which...