Recent content by Jc77784

  1. J

    3l coco to 20l soil?

    Oh really!! Never knew that. Thank you for the reply! Happy days then cheers.
  2. J

    3l coco to 20l soil?

    So my question is... Can I go from giving nutes in a 3L pot with coco and transfer it into a 20L pot with soil and stop giving nutes? Doing cuttings for a mate and he wants to do it with soil but I only use coco? Please help thanks.
  3. J

    Interrupt light in flower???

    Yes only done it once and that’ll be it and im Almost in week 4 of flower but yes I’ve read the green light works just don’t have one yet but cheers for all your inputs I thought it would of been fine just doing it the once. Thanks again
  4. J

    Interrupt light in flower???

    Hi I had to go into my grow room for about 5 minutes so had to turn lights on? In the dark period of my cycle? Will this effect massively? Or....
  5. J

    Ready or not??

    thanks for your input
  6. J

    Ready or not??

    Here’s some more pictures from yesterday...?
  7. J

    Six shooter. Almost ready?

    I have posted a few times but seem to get a more inputs lol I’m hoping these are ready this weekend???
  8. J

    Six shooter

  9. J

    Milky or still clear???

    Hope these help? Thanks for your inputs.
  10. J

    Six shooter

    Little airy??? Sorry what do you mean? Lol
  11. J

    Six shooter

    So I’ve taken photos... im hoping for this weekend coming now lol
  12. J

    Milky or still clear???

    Thanks for the reply. They’ve been clear for 2 weeks now it’s a six shooter and I flushed 2 weeks ago and the leafs are starting to turn yellow shall I give them a light flower feed? In coco.
  13. J

    Milky or still clear???

    I know they not great pics and not many either but are these clear or a LITTLE milky? I think clear???
  14. J

    Six shooter

    Just seen all these cheers il take some pics next time thanks for all your support really appreciate it! Il try that lights off and flash on
  15. J

    Six shooter

    When you do guys think it’s ready for harvest? Im hoping next weekend