Recent content by Jjbc108

  1. J

    *** EC/PPM Values for MAINLINING ***

    I love your grow,may I ask how you made your table top for your net pots?
  2. J

    Super Closet 24 site bubble flow system any good

    I am on my 2nd run with the 32 site superflow,I did have to add a water chiller,took a while to dial in a plug and play system,also added o2 stones back in the feeding tubes,so 4 stones in the rez and I in each tube,will be going back to a regular flood table
  3. J

    2nd Grow Crispy leaves - Veg - Ebb and Flow

    Cut back on the nutes,and mist down with ph ed water,I had this issue on my first as well and that helped