Can I ask what you emailed them to get this answer? I want to reach out to them and get an actual answer, not just their standard we can't give updates line. I applied a few days before you so I want to just confirm
I'm seriously confused, what are people not believing? I just was simply pointing out that it seems like you're the one that has a tendency go become negative. Were all in the same boat, waiting for our cards, and there's no need to put someone down for posting something they didn't know was new...
No, just recently found this site from the fb group because I'm waiting for my card and finally decided to sign up last Friday. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to give up though?
I've been watching this group for only a week or so but it seems like the only one that is usually causing trouble and being negative is you. This is just another case of the person didn't realize he had old information. No need to jump down everyone's throat :)