Recent content by Johnny15

  1. Johnny15

    Phlizon August Giveaway New Launch FD9600 1000W Grow Light!

    3456 chips USA @J2M3S @Wizzlebiz
  2. Johnny15

    Win Free Product through Testing

    I'd happily test some Inkbird products. All the ones I've tried have been great. Thanks.
  3. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    It sure does. It smells like victory. He wins for sure now.
  4. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Could you pick a more biased source?
  5. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    That's fine. Trump doesn't need your vote. Assassination attempts always boost a candidates popularity. Remember when Reagan was shot?
  6. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Because he's a fighter. The election is all but over now. :D
  7. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    It's not the Chinese fault that the guys aim sucks. That bb gun was able to kill one innocent person and put 2 others in critical condition. That is one badass bb gun. :roll: And just so you know, a 9mm has a larger diameter than a .223.
  8. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    You think this was a setup with a bb gun. You have obviously been drinking the Kool-Aid. It was an AR.
  9. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

  10. Johnny15

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Now he's definitely going to win.
  11. Johnny15

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    Peat moss actually has a higher CEC than coco coir. The thing with coco is it has a high level of potassium and sodium before it's buffered. The Ca and Mg in water will bind with the coco coir particles replacing some of the K and Na. Mg and Ca have a stronger charge therefore a stronger bond...
  12. Johnny15

    What do you think

    Good luck with that.
  13. Johnny15

    What do you think

    I think you have weeks left. Don't trust breeder times. I'd also give it some micronutrients that contain molybdenum.