Recent content by Kevin0nfire

  1. Kevin0nfire

    Delete this.

    It's through DCS. They test randomly ever 1 - 2 times a week. Not seperate weeks, could be multiple in one week.
  2. Kevin0nfire

    A few detox methods for those who might need em.

    Most of the well known members probably know about these but I figured I'd throw em out there for those who are new like myself. Niacin - If you take Niacin and not smoke for 3-5 days taking 1000mg a day and drink tons of water you should pass any urine test thrown your way. I suggest you...
  3. Kevin0nfire

    Wish I could smoke but my kid is more important.

    Wish I could smoke but my kid is more important.
  4. Kevin0nfire

    Delete this.

    Asked for simple advice and got trolled. Thank you for those who actually took me serious and took time to give me a solid answer. To you trolls, have a nice day. Go smoke yourself into a coma.