Recent content by Klosetkannabis88

  1. K

    Spider Mites

    One part dish soap to say four parts water because it can clog the sprayer but you want to shake it up or you can mix it up and put it on the sponge and gently Pat the leaves but make sure you rinse it off after you let it set for 15-20 minutes
  2. K

    Spider Mites

    Have you tried sparyed Dawn dish soap on the leaf's and let it set for 15-20 minutes and rinse the leaf's off. This method was successful for me years ago, just make sure you use a brand new spray bottle . You don't want to spary other chemical's on the plant you do not know. Best of luck to...
  3. K

    Spider Mites

    I recently have ran across this problem as well and it destroyed a hole room waited to long to treat the plant. I have used Dawn dish soap and sprayed it on top and on the bottom of leaves and have had success before