Recent content by Lady420

  1. Lady420

    Found a marijuana plant

    This is after 5 days of discovery..
  2. Lady420

    Hello weed lovers

    Hello weed lovers
  3. Lady420

    Found a marijuana plant

    This is the plant the first day I found it...
  4. Lady420

    Found a marijuana plant

    I found it in front of our dumpster .. I live in a apartment complex.. And I topped it, it was not being taken care of..
  5. Lady420

    Found mj plant

    LolFound this 5 days ago, leaves were turning yellow, and starting to fade. It was under our dumpster the trash truck moved the dumpster 3 days later I find 1st picture was the day I found it.. The other is today.. What do y'all think?
  6. Lady420

    Found a marijuana plant

    I found it 5 days ago..
  7. Lady420

    How Many Nodes Before Topping?

    This is it today after a week.. Is there anything I need to do, or stop doing, ??? Idk .. HELP lol
  8. Lady420

    How Many Nodes Before Topping?

    Before digging it up
  9. Lady420

    How Many Nodes Before Topping?

    Is there any body still on here? I have a few questions ... I found a plant , it was under our dumpster, how ever the trash truck moved the dumpster.. I took the trash out 2 days later and find it ECT.. That was on the 30 of June 2019.. The top of the plants leaves where, yellow, starting...