Recent content by Learnasigo

  1. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Do you have a preferred brand you like or had good luck with
  2. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    I've reduced the number of plants on this run and trained them a little better so hopefully this run gets a little better I switched my nutrients just at the start of this grow
  3. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    My last grow had some beautiful nugs but I'm only getting 1/4 gram per watt so there definitely is room to improve
  4. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    I felt like I was dailed in until this lol this is the first time in 5 grows so I'm hoping it's a fluke I am gonna look into it a little more for sure
  5. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    The color on the plant is right but the leaves as still pointing down and curling in hope it come back around
  6. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Every thing has lvled out today but that one plant is still dropping pretty hard
  7. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Looking a little better today but not what I was expecting
  8. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    My ppm when making the solution was correct along with the water temperature for what my nutrients call for but I just started using this brand so idk maybe your not far off and I need to water down my solution a little also gonna get a new ppm pen mines older and I'm woundering now if it is...
  9. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Plant is starting to perk back up looking like that flush as soon as I saw the problem may have saved this one roots look good
  10. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Is the spike large over night can I just use a little ltitle less when I mix everything
  11. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Temps 68 right were is recommended for nutrients only microbes is mammoth P roots are very health white and lush I'll grab some pics in the morning when my light comes back on no sign of Moss growing plant was fine yesterday before the nutrients were changed
  12. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Gone up 600 ppm in 28 hrs
  13. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    I flushed that res. The rest of the room is going up
  14. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    Changed the solution in that tot just hoping to figure out why it happened
  15. Learnasigo

    Ph going to base over night ? Help

    I have a room in flower stage I'm about 3 weeks in and one plant out of 8 in the same room jumped to 8 on ph out of 5.5 after I mixed and balanced the hole room from the same bin and feed them separately less then 12 hrs later that one plant spiked to base any thoughts on that..... the system is...