Recent content by LEDTonic - Daniel

  1. LEDTonic - Daniel

    In the market for a new light.

    Whether or not you should to upgrade is a personal preference. It comes down to how much light you want and if you're prepared to pay for it. If you're not familiar with PPFD and PPFD maps, I suggest you read a bit about them. We have an article on the subject but I'm sure you'll find other...
  2. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Need advice for lights

    Asking for help is all well and good but I think you'd benefit from understanding how light, light intensity, and light distribution play together, if you're not yet familiar with this. PPFD is a term that describes light intensity (or photon density) and we know that mature cannabis plants do...
  3. LEDTonic - Daniel

    What Par to hit in flower with Co2?

    ^ I'd start at 800 PPFD and work my way up until I see hints of light burn. I'm guessing that 1200 will be the sweet spot for mature plants.
  4. LEDTonic - Daniel

    We DIY'd a closet for growing

    Hello everybody, We recently modified a standard Ikea closet to better serve as a grow closet. Mind you, we grow other things than cannabis and this closet is primarily for veggies. As you'll see, there are light leaks and the closet is by no means sealed so any smelly plant would be less...
  5. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Help with Adding on Lights

    Hey. I'd recommend reading a bit about PPFD (light intensity) and how different types of lamps emit their light to create unique light footprints. In short, PPFD is light intensity (or photon density, same thing essentially) and we can measure this with various sensors. We also know how intense...
  6. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Discussion - Best Budget LED for Small Grow?

    Hey! I'd like to invite you to take a look at our LEDTonic Q2 LED grow light. This model is essentially a QB with the driver fitted into the plastic housing. The lamp draws 36W, is fitted with Samsung diodes and a single lamp covers a 1.5x1.5' space well. Two of them would definitely cover your...
  7. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Four Plant Perpetual LED Question

    Hey! It sounds like you have a good understanding of what you need and how it should all work together. I'd like to present another way of estimating your light needs, other than the watt/sq ft principle (i.e. 30-50 watt/sq ft). A more accurate way of both comparing different lamps and also...
  8. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Best light for a 3x3x6

    Sorry for the late reply. Time doesn't permit me to visit ROI as often as I'd like. This article is circulated in the indoor growing community...
  9. LEDTonic - Daniel


    I can't tell based on your first post if you're using blurple or white light. Many blurple brands will still claim they use "full spectrum", i.e. ~380-700 nm, when, in fact, their light spectrum is definitely blurple. Anyway, if you're using blurple lamps you'll want green-tinted glasses, as...
  10. LEDTonic - Daniel


    For the plants to properly absorb light, they will need leaves. There's no need to turn on your main light until you see a set of leaves, which should be in a day or two.
  11. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Best light for a 3x3x6

    You're welcome. Information should be shared so we call grow as... growers. Right. As long as the emitted spectrum and intensity is identical or similar, it doesn't matter if you're using a T5, LED, or whatever else you fancy. I'm not knowledgeable enough about UV to give definitive advice. I...
  12. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Best light for a 3x3x6

    Correct. I'll add a caveat. If you buy a lamp with integrated UV diodes, regardless of brand, I'd ask for a written (email) confirmation from said brand that the UV diodes will last equally long as the other diodes on the lamp. I don't want to generalize and say all brands of UV diodes only...
  13. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Best light for a 3x3x6

    Red boost primarily helps when light intensity levels aren't adequately high. Above 500 PPFD, red boost is only marginally helpful, if that. It seems to be a fad that lamps "need" to have red boost but science says otherwise. UV should not be used from seed to harvest. It's also important to...
  14. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Light advice

    Great. A link to the listing would be helpful as well but generally, BLURPLE Phlizon lamps won't blow you away in any regard. I'm confident that all other growers on this forum will agree that BLURPLE (blue + red only) lamps are a thing of the past and one should definitely go for white light...
  15. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Light advice

    Happy to hear that our efforts are informative and useful. It's incredibly frustrating to be a legit grow light brand in an industry where, I dare to say, all Chinese brands cheat, lie, or exaggerate. I can't recommend enough to watch Albo Peppers Youtube video on the subject. But even there he...