Recent content by Libertycap1

  1. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    Thanks I'll have a multimeter tomorrow to check the boards. I think this maybe the case aswell now. Its all in order from the dimmer side alright. I'm guessing it was easier to give it a clean look wiring it that way maybe. I'll b able to take a look at it later when it turns off, but it it is...
  2. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    I did but they didn't quite understand what I ment and told me to put the driver outside of the tent lol.
  3. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    I believe daisy chaining might the problem now aswel. All of the boards are laid out the same way, I think the middle board would be flipped if it wasn't parallel. I will take the light out tomorrow when it turns off, I should have a multimeter by then aswell and I will remove the white covers...
  4. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    I know haha. I didn't expect hardly any response to what is probably such a newbie question
  5. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    So my dimmer and built-in adjuster are both for current. Thanks I wasn't sure of this. I disconnected the dimmer completely and turned the current to full and still had issues, would this point to a wiring or connection issue along the boards then or is the driver not capable of powering the 3...
  6. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    I disconnected the dimmer and still the boards have uneven light. I used a free lux app thing on the phone and it was 75,000 under the 1st two boards and drops off to 65,000 lux under the 3rd board.
  7. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    From the datasheet I believe the current adjuster is built-in on the driver and there is dim+ and dim- wire that you can attach a dimmer. I think the dimmer adjusts voltage and not current but im not sure.
  8. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    Hi thanks, yea I should be able to remove the covers later when the lights come on. I can get a multimeter tomorrow if I need it.
  9. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    Sweet thanks I'll try this when the lights come on later. If this is the case am I better off leaving the dimmer up full and adjusting with the built-in current adjust ?
  10. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    There is a waterproof connection to the dimmer, I will try running it disconnected later when the lights are on.
  11. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    Really !! I've seen Spider and Mars hydro do this but I can't say I've seen the same from Kingbright. And from what I've seen Mars are pumping out quality lights these days. Where do you think all the components for all the different brands originate anyway ?
  12. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    It has me confused to say the least, the driver rated for 48 volts and so are the boards but I think driver will actually go to 52 volts. Could this be the cause of the problem ?
  13. L

    Kingbright 320w help.

    My 1st My 1st reply sweet. The kit came pre-assebled, do I have to take the dimmer itself apart to unhook it or can I bypass it ? Turned up full its way more light than I need (3×2 box), but no matter what the % the dimmer is set at there is a slight visiable drop in light and heat across the...