Recent content by Lilmink

  1. L

    Closes Loop Extractor

    Looking for Recommendations on a decent system. I have lbs and lbs of fire trim that I would like to run. Looking to make shatter or diamonds.
  2. L

    Dark blue and purple leaves

    12 inches from light , soil fox farm happy frog 5 gallons fabric pot, watering schedule has yet to be established probably every 3-4 days but I wait until things are on the dryer side. The only feeding so far is kelp meal tea , kelp meal soaked in a bucket overnight. I have been doing a foliar...
  3. L

    Dark blue and purple leaves

    I fed with some kelp tea yesterday. Many upper leaves are yellow, light green with red tips. Lower leaves have so issues.
  4. L

    One Plant 4x4 - Deep Water Culture

    Day 12. Roots are going crazy. Bright pure white.
  5. L

    pH Meter that is always running

    I guess I'm just looking for quality and I felt one made specifically for hydroponics would be better.
  6. L

    pH Meter that is always running

    Hoping for something made for hydroponics
  7. L

    pH Meter that is always running

    Looking for a ph meter that I can leave the probe in the water for continuous pH readings. Only finding ones for an aquarium.
  8. L

    One Plant 4x4 - Deep Water Culture

    Day 11 pH was a bit low at 5.6 added a cap full of pH up brought me 5.9 I will check again. I would prefer it at 5.8 during this stage of early veg. Temps holding steady between 82-84 degrees. Humidity holding between 70-80% VPD target is 1.0 This plant started as a rooted clone in rock wool, I...
  9. L

    HPS vs LED

    And how much is a new bulb after those 2 grows?
  10. L

    HPS vs LED

    Lots of mixed information online. I am genuinely curious the difference and how they affect quality and yield. Most people now adays say LED blows HPS out of the water. However if you talk to the old heads that have been growing for decades that wholeheartedly believe HPS is better. Any insight?
  11. L

    Rosin vs Bubble Hash for gummies

    Not frozen this time hopefully soon :D
  12. L

    Rosin vs Bubble Hash for gummies

    Will I still feel the terpene effects of I use bubble or do I have to press it into rosin to feel the effects?
  13. L

    Fungus Gnat Predators

    They wont ship gallon size to my state. :(
  14. L

    Fungus Gnat Predators

    Last grow I had like 200 sticky traps attached to all my grow bags :lol:
  15. L

    Fungus Gnat Predators

    I will check this out, any idea if its safe for irrigation systems?