Recent content by LOFTYVISION


    Please help, second run and found some premie seeds it think..

    Thanks 2hearts. I do appreciate your input greatly, just wish it were on a better topic. lol. Even the 3 week old ones? I was operating on the impression that once pollinated the plant mainly produces seeds and not bud.

    Please help, second run and found some premie seeds it think..

    The fan leaves unfortunately I trimmed most of them off because theyre huge fan leaves that were covering up bud sites on itself and on other plants. but thanks man. I'm a bit bummed. Little green seeds like that wont go away if I remove tainted areas and try and remedy source of stress will they?

    Please help, second run and found some premie seeds it think..

    I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean grow more? hmm, what symptoms are you seeing indicative of stress so I know in the future, and what about this plant and then the rest of my ladies in week three in the tent. I can send pics of those but there just hair balls as of yet ,

    Please help, second run and found some premie seeds it think..

    Also I know this is probably irrelevent but as far as im concerned there has been no stress that couldve caused this. that i am aware of at least

    Please help, second run and found some premie seeds it think..

    So this plant is a great white shark, started under a 4200k cmh, switched to a 3100k cmh, then married into my big tent l: maybe not my best idea looking back, but it is in week 6 going into 7. this morning I found these two little turd premies in there. I cant find any other signs what so ever...

    Mites in my soil, but not on my plant? should i be concerned?

    From what ive seen online and compared to under the micro i think they may be predatory mites, which are a good thing if im not mistaken, but its hard to be sure comparing from a micro to an image on the screen

    Mites in my soil, but not on my plant? should i be concerned?

    So Theyre translucent light brown to light tan in color, not particularly quick, and itty bitty, only around the soil line and they dont jump or fly

    Mites in my soil, but not on my plant? should i be concerned?

    what are soil lice? sorry this is an old thread but I 'm having the same problem white mites or somethuing on my soil


    I'll try and resend that first pic as a different quality. it came out horrible lol


    yeppers, she is headband, and youre absolutely right about the sault area. lol I used to party with some if the locals on st joes who just grew up in the sticks, have ENORMOUS bonfires and drink enough to kill small mammals. i thought id just include pics of my modest little persy/experimental...

    Light Upgrade From King LED to....?

    dope man. I appreciate your input. im going over to growco today to talk to my people there and see what they have in stock. Buy local, support your growing communitys life force(your local grow shop. lol) I say it just as much for myself, lol, its easy to get everything dirt cheap online and...


    Ok canadian jim so far so good, she still seems to be just that; a female not a herm. embarrassed to say that i even messed up and bumped the timer thats for my headhand time out room, till i figured out what it was going to do, and it turned on about 1/3 of the way thro the dark cycle and...

    Light Upgrade From King LED to....?

    dope. good to know. any brand recommendations? also do they make a double ended 630 cmh(all 630s might be made with two bulbs, i just dont know) that you can run one bulb as a 315 in a pinch or run them both? I might be dreaming big here but thought id ask


    right on. again thank you for your input!

    Light Upgrade From King LED to....?

    I had heard that cmh put out a fair bit of heat and thats why i used cfl as supplemental lighting to my blackdog phytomax 2 600 watt in a 4x4(thats getting a fair bit larger) and was very interested in cmh and was turned away from them. I'n fairly new to cultivating it so I say this from a blank...