Recent content by Lucaspdx

  1. L

    Compost tea can help against overfert?

    Stimulating the life of the soil can help digesting the excesses ? Or the compost tea would aggravate the problem with more nutrients ? Little doubt that i been thru...don't want to get the soil muddy or overwatered with a big flush since its organic...thx :D
  2. L

    Soft rock phosphate in no-till

    Kkkkkkkkkk comedy topic
  3. L

    Fermented vs Aerobic teas

    Nice point of view thx
  4. L

    Fermented vs Aerobic teas

    A tea involving both approaches would be good (microbes, nutrients, enzymes, vitamins would be better extracted) ? Doin a experiment, first i boiled 2 bananas peels with moringa leafs and molasses, then bottled the liquid and fermented with 2 sliced bananas and comfrey leaves and i'm planning...
  5. L

    Super Plant Tonic...what it is and what it is not...

    Somebody know if Super Plant Tonic still exist?