Recent content by Magic Mike

  1. Magic Mike

    Penile Strangulation

    During the lockdown I thought it would be a great time to add length to my penis so I started swinging weights from it . I use a neck tie lassoed around my penis with ankle weights tied on the end then I stand on the coffee table and start swinging the weights from it like a pendulum...
  2. Magic Mike

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    nice thread i be likin shrooms i havent done em for ages cause no one had em .. so i grew my own and fuckin luv em !! cool as fuck hi ! shrooomms !!
  3. Magic Mike

    experimental mushroom substrate grows

    im itchin to take a go at some horse oats and knock those up with syringes and put em in coir in unmodified tubs after i get a pressure cooker and get that involved .. i made me some hairy buffalo and golden teacher prints next im gonna hit up some pre made jars and bags with some syringes...
  4. Magic Mike

    experimental mushroom substrate grows

    cool thread fischer . I knocked up some brf cakes in perlite on it's 2nd flush. shrooms !!!!
  5. Magic Mike

    Shrooom de vroom vroom

    Shrooom de vroom vroom
  6. Magic Mike

    Posts from the toilet

    I dumped a pretty cool marbled one today . On one end it was dry and lumpy but then it graduated in the middle and went to a smeary toothpaste like texture that came to a curly point like a dairy freeze ice cream top on the other end. It was cool because it had some interesting looking...
  7. Magic Mike

    Sessions is at it again!!

    Not to make light of the federal laws, it is a fact that any and all marijuana activity is federally illegal anywhere in the US. When I say "lacking teeth" what I mean is in terms of convict-ability . With marijuana's popularity and state legality, it makes it a harder crime to convict.. if...
  8. Magic Mike

    Body Sculpting

    I notice that ergonomics is becoming a lot more popular in the work place. Great stuff. Hope your shoulder feels better. and don't work too hard lol Lately I been liking athlean -x a lot of 1 leg stuff thats very challenging. a lot of plyometrics too Jeff Cavalier is an good trainer. he...
  9. Magic Mike

    Body Sculpting

    I basically study the ABC's of physical therapy and personal training and corrective exercise selection, release and stretching techniques, joint mobility techniques, muscle length testing, etc. A lot of work is involved in diagnosis , then exercise selection, then re testing, etc. I think PT...
  10. Magic Mike

    Sessions is at it again!!

    lol yeah but I think nowadays the fed laws are lacking teeth in legal states. I think prosecution is very select and reserved either for financial gains or political clout.. but it has already been established in the SCOTUS that fed laws trumps state laws regarding marijuana in any form
  11. Magic Mike

    Sessions is at it again!!

    It's already been established that fed law trumps state law in medical marijuana cases. 2005 Angel Raich sued Ashcroft and DEA and lost the case meaning Fed > State marijuana laws. Angel Raich was a medical marijuana patient who was raided and her husband was an attorney (if I remember right)...
  12. Magic Mike

    Body Sculpting

    Interesting subject . I like to study anatomy and exercise physiology , not sure why, I don't work in the field or really have a desire to. But it is still fascinating stuff to me, none the less. I've reversed a lot of postural faults of my own that bothered me for years. I would keep getting...
  13. Magic Mike

    What did you accomplish today?

    Thank you for the encouragement C2G ! Would love to work in the industry. If I was in my 20's and had it to do all over again I would stay in school and focus on PT or a field like that. All the studying has been very applicable especially in training and exercise selection and avoiding...
  14. Magic Mike

    What did you accomplish today?

    I passed my "overhead squat assessment " exam today with 95% @ Brookbush Institute. Not sure why I study anatomy and exercise physiology and corrective exercise and corrective strengthening. I don't work in the industry but I love to study this shit. So far I got my functional anatomy 1, 2 &3 ...
  15. Magic Mike

    Obama Pardons Pinworm

    Pinworm for life Life is pinworm