A full batch of subs s/s was to much for my intended use. I broke down the recipe to make 15 gal only. 2x7 gal pots some left over for maybe a top dress if needed. Leonardite was added to the original mix, I have researched through this site that to reuse this s/s I only need to reammend with...
Fulvic acid is obtainable I will
Thanks for your input Wastei! I saw that leonardite has both humic and fulvic when I compared it to the leaf mold GG421 was talking about! I used a small amount of leonardite in the original super soil mix.
Thanks for the reply! My base is organic soil mix, coco coir,worm castings and course perlite! I added dolomite,epsom salts and i decided to add a little bit of gypsum. Using 7 gal pots. In aus only have access to basic soils and compost. Just went with organic soil base with no fertilizer added!
G'day all! New to this, just hoping someone can help out? Just finished my first grow with the old sub cools mix. Grew a couple of gelato auto's with reasonable success. Better than my first few goes with soil and liquid fertilizer. Anyway problem is I'm reammending my s/s and need to know do I...