Recent content by master wyatt

  1. master wyatt

    Smoking mushroom spores

    ive heard of people going blind from smoking shrooms
  2. master wyatt

    What are these?

    looks like yo got some sort of mites on them leaves
  3. master wyatt

    found mites in my budding room

    i realized there where mites in my nugging room this morning at 5:50 am so i grabbed the electric paint sprayer filled an old paint bucket with triazicide and neim oil and i fucking went to town on them little shitbirds ill spray again tomorrow and if i notice any more webbing or leafs ding from...
  4. master wyatt

    I need experienced advice

    i usually just do an exhaust fan out at full speed in grow tents usually the negative pressure brings in enough fresh air and as long as your lights arnt to hot you should be good. it looks to me like youve got the full setup best thing to do now is run it and see what happens. if your plants...
  5. master wyatt

    Grandaddy purp 5 weeks

    whats up with all the little seedlings in the pot?
  6. master wyatt

    just got my power bill! its almost as high as i am.

    just got my power bill! its almost as high as i am.