Recent content by maybedog

  1. M

    I took WAY too much M1/methylone/MDMA analog, need advice

    This isn't information necessary to help me but if you want to know why I took such a large amount and don't know how much nor even for sure what drug it is as if I were new to drugs or an idiot, read on: Originally we were told by the person selling this pink stuff that it was molly. Other...
  2. M

    I took WAY too much M1/methylone/MDMA analog, need advice

    You only need to read the first paragraph in order to help me though everything else gives you relevant information. The problem: Starting seven hours ago for a period of about 3.5 hours, I snorted somewhere between .4 to .75 of a gram, most likely .5-ish butg possibly more, of what I think is...