Recent content by medicated00420

  1. medicated00420

    TGA By Others

    Blrxloco at 5 weeks flw
  2. medicated00420

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    What size wire do u use to wire the boards together and will 14 gage solid core work
  3. medicated00420

    TGA By Others

    Black lime reserve x locomotion #1 female
  4. medicated00420

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Just orderered one of the 135 watt kits to replace a 150 watt cfl in my veg tent
  5. medicated00420

    exotic genetix

    Only sprouted half a pack got 2 females both haze leaners said 70 days on the seed pack but i think cuban grower said the mom was a 90 day silver haze cut
  6. medicated00420

    exotic genetix

    Shrieker #1 went 85 days
  7. medicated00420

    exotic genetix

    Shrieker #2 at 95 days hvst at 100
  8. medicated00420

    exotic genetix

  9. medicated00420

    exotic genetix

  10. medicated00420

    How to Clone a Difficult Strain

    I was taught this method by a crafty old hippie he would sell clones at a local farmer market style dispenserie but could only have 12 plants so to maximize his profit hed put as many eggs as he could fit on his mothers and cut the eggs off as he sold clones
  11. medicated00420

    How to Clone a Difficult Strain

    Best photo i could find
  12. medicated00420

    How to Clone a Difficult Strain

    Alright take an easter egg an cut\ drill a hole in it where it connects so that u can clamp it over the branch u r trying to clone. Fill the egg with dirt then on the branch u want to clone put a little cloning gel were u want to put the egg.take the egg and clamp it over the spot u put the cln...
  13. medicated00420

    How to Clone a Difficult Strain

    I use easter eggs fillid with dirt on hrd to clone strains put them on the plant with a lil rooting hormone and one to two weeks later they shoul be full of roots and ready to chop off
  14. medicated00420

    Club 315w lec

    Just swapped out my magnetic 1000hps for a 315cmh and digital 600hps eventually going to replace the 600 and go with 2x315s and 200 watts of cobs on th edges
  15. medicated00420

    Random thread to post grow pics in

    (CorleonekushXalientahoe)Xfirealienkush pheno 1 pheno 2