Thanks to all y'all's awesome help, I did the repotting today!
Here's what I did, for the sake of science and experimentation...
Picked up a 2.5 gallon pot, Ocean Forest soil, perlite and 2 of the 3 Fox Farms nutrients - Grow Big and Big Bloom (I figured I had a few weeks before I had to get...
OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! hahaha I'm so glad someone finally said something! This was the biggest area of confusion for me and I couldn't figure out why everything wasn't specific enough.
I think my plan as of now is to switch it to a 3 gallon pot with fox farms soil ASAP and just water for a few...
On the weeks I'm supposed to use both Big Bloom and Grow Big, do I put the correct tsp measurements of BOTH into 2 GALLONS of water and then water as you said?
Oooh, lots of good info here, thanks. I have never had a green thumb so forgive how clueless I am but I would like a few more details.
My plant is currently just under 5 inches, I think I would like to get it to about 12 inches before I begin flowering. Will it be okay if I move it to a 1...
I've been back and forth with distilled and tap water. I was told straight tap water is bad because of the chlorine in it, and that you should let it sit out for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate and once it does it has some nutrients in it your plant can use. But I also heard you might as...
First successful grow up to this stage and I'm terrified of fucking it up as I begin adding nutes!! I've decided Fox Farms is the way to go, but I'm still a little confused and damned if I'm gonna try blindly experimenting at this point.
Here's what I'm working with so far
seed: mystery...