Recent content by Midnight Runner

  1. Midnight Runner

    Freeborn Selections

    Someone on X recently said they got Sensi Star Freebies from Speakeasy. Might be there.
  2. Midnight Runner


    A few weeks ago. You were saying that you know certain vendors have clean material, that's what I am asking about. Show us what you got. We might be able to help spotting symptoms.
  3. Midnight Runner

    Dreams of Blue

    Looks derivative of the real cut.
  4. Midnight Runner


    Yeah you guys must all be noobs. It's clearly root aphids or contaminated soil. Or maybe you just forgot to water them.
  5. Midnight Runner


    I don't see any of that text on the profile page homie. Also, Strainly doesn't have an "about" page, they have a "profile" page for each vendor. Make sure you're on the right website or you might get scammed.
  6. Midnight Runner

    old school skunk

    Wow another Old School Skunk thread. Yaaay!
  7. Midnight Runner

    Where to purchase clones?

    The rules are that you need to be licensed to ship hemp. Probably not something they'll prosecute but they'll definitely snag it. I just had a shipment sent priority express get snagged, so it's a risk no matter which carrier you choose.
  8. Midnight Runner

    Who has best blueberry strain? Not DJ Short's version.

    I ran it a couple rounds and let it go. Nose is similar to SC Blue Dream. It's not really blueberry though, just smells like it. It's ok. SC Blue Dream is way better.
  9. Midnight Runner

    Why is my plant so compact and bushy?

    Too much light. Lower the intensity until after the stretch, then you can slowly amp it up.
  10. Midnight Runner

    Blue Dream Santa Cruz cut experts needed

    I ran SCBD for years. That's 100% not her.
  11. Midnight Runner


    It's quite large actually. Ask for the full list.
  12. Midnight Runner

    Who has best blueberry strain? Not DJ Short's version.

    Isn't blueberry muffin a completely different strain from blueberry?
  13. Midnight Runner


    You've been growing for 20 years and can't tell when a plant is about 2 weeks from harvest?
  14. Midnight Runner

    Freeborn Selections

    3 weeks I just pick them off. Not a big deal imo and the trim job on this cut is so easy it's not a bad trade off. I can see it being a problem though if someone were running a room full of it.
  15. Midnight Runner

    Freeborn Selections

    I have Piescream #27. She throws nuts too.